Open Records Request

Georgia’s Open Records Act (ORA), O.C.G.A. §50-18-70, et seq., makes most government records available to the public.

Common exceptions to ORA in the GDC’s records:

  • Offender central office and institutional files (including, but not limited to, disciplinary reports, grievances, housing assignments, inmate telephone system call information and emails, and security classifications);
  • Investigations and intelligence information compiled by the Office of Professional Standards;
  • Personal information about the GDC’s employees;
  • Policies and procedures that could compromise safety and security at a prison or contain information that could be used by an offender or someone else to commit a crime; and
  • Offender medical and mental health records (without a HIPAA compliant consent form).

GDC Response & Cost

  • The GDC has three (3) business days to provide an initial response.
  • Copies of documents (non-medical) are $0.10 each.
  • The fee for searching for and redacting public records is billed at the hourly pay rate for the lowest paid employee who is qualified to conduct the work.